Friday, July 11, 2008

Reiki Meditation

Meditation is an integral part of Reiki and was practiced by Dr Usui's students each time they attended a Reiki
class. These meditations deepen and strengthen your connection to the energy, promote sensitivity to Reiki and
the ability to channel ever increasing amounts of Reiki. Practised daily meditations will benefit you in many
ways.As well as Reiki benefits, meditation is an ideal way to still the mind and relax the body.In the stillnes
s of meditation, we return to that inner nature that we have so long ago lost in the busy and chaotic distractions
our mind is subjected to each day. Meditation will help bring the mind home, release and relax.

this is the meditation i learned from my reiki master.

sit down in a relaxed manner on a straight back chair or crossed legged which ever way suits you. hold your hands
palm upwards on your knees, in a prayer form or in your lap, which ever you feel convenient. tune in to OM Chants
or some light music. close your eyes and say OM three times.

the chakras are wheel like centres of energy which control the body organs. upon energising the energy centres we
not only heal ourself but also strengthen these centres. meditation on the chakras with reiki, the universal life
force, with colours gives you deep relaxation this is very helpful for the body organs .

Take a deep breath.close your eyes slightly. just listen to the sounds.Tell yourself that your senses are getting relax the mind take a deep breath in through the nose and out through the mouth. keep breathing deeper
and deeper like this three times. now your mind is completely to relax the body.relax the body organs
one by one .Now you are ready for energising the chakras.

When you are ready, visualise (imagine) white light entering the crown of your head and filling the whole of your
crown chakra and blend with the violet colour of crown chakra(colour of crow chakra is violet). see the white violet
rays spreading to the various systems energising the nervous system.say to your self- i am divinely protected,guided
and am at peace.

now visualise the white ball gently separate from the crown chakra and float down to merge with the third eye(brow chakra)
and blend with the dark blue colour of the brow chakra. visualise the white blue rays energising the pitutary,hypothalamus
and lower back spine nose left eye and ears repeat to yourself- i am open to new ideas, people and situations .

visualise the white ball sepate from the third eye and slowly float and descend into the throat chakra.colour of throat
chakra is light blue. imagine the white blue rays energise the entire throat, upper lungs, digestive track, bronchial
and upper stomach areas. say to your self- i am feeling safe to express my feelings. i love,trust and respect my
creative gifts.

now imagine the white ball separate and descend into the heart chakra.the colour of this chakra is green. see the white
green ray flow into the thymus,heart, blood lower lungs, upper liver and arms. repeat to yourself- love is the purpose
of my life it is everywhere.

now imagine the white ball separate and enter the solar plexus chakra and blend with the yellow colour of solar plexus
and spread the white yellow rays into the entire digestive system, pancreas,liver,gall bladder intestines and spleen.
repeat to yourself- i trust my worthiness. i am worthy of the best in life.

now imagine the white ball separate from the solar plexus chakra and float down to the orange colour of hara chakra.
imagine the white ball blending with the orange colour and the white orange rays pass into the entire reproductie
system. repeat- what i do is enough what i have is enough.

now see the golden ball seperate and float down wards to the root chakra, blend with to the red colour of root chakra.
the white red rays are spreading into the entire excretary system and energising the kidneys bladder,spine and lower limbs.
feel the warmth. repeat to yourself-i am safe and secure all the time.

now imagine that all light is surrounding you. feel your aura is expanding protected with white light. no negative energy
can harm you you are fully protected. relax relax relax. You are a beautiful being of light and you have just been given
the gift of healing. Use it well for the greatest good of all and with harm to none.

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